Everyone knows the differences between a designer garment and a replicate or “knock off” designer garment. A designer garment is going to be the one that is seen on the runway and is more expensive. A replicate is a garment that is very similar to the original designer piece but is cheaper. Replicates of designer garments affect the economy in a different way. It allows stores to sell a product that people want because it is similar to the original piece. In 2010, an article was released by Rhian Nicholson which discussed this very topic. The article stated that 80% of replicated goods by the store Debenhams, were accounted for in stores since they put their own label on the replicated design, or as they called it “own-labeled range.” The replicating of a runway design allowed for new stores to open up and expand which affects the economy because now there will be more jobs and more consumer spending.
"Fashion's Impact on the Economy." - Shopping & Vouchers. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2013.
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